Rocky Mountain Power’s own analysis determines that property values decrease on homes up to 500ft away from Transmission Lines. VOLT has assembled, with appraisers, an Impact Report how the properties on the line will be affected. Property owners on the line overwhelmingly agree to forgo these damages to offset construction costs of an underground burial of the transmission line.

Damages are currently calculated at over $3,200,000.00


  • When your neighbor’s property declines, yours does too. When determining the value of your property, and appraiser will look to the values of similar properties.

  • Actual Damages are greater. We have actual examples of sales of homes along the line where impacted by $300,000.00 of more because of the Transmission Line. Ask the buyers, we have.

The chart below is a summary of the damages. The full report has been submitted to the Midway City Council.
